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Recorral Fiesta

Does anybody know anything about the fiesta that is taking place at the Recorral in May?

Its next weekend (13/15th May) at the Recorral in Quesada (La Fiesta). Starts 10.30pm Friday night!!

Commented Benijofar Life in Benijofar 2011-05-08 11:03:52 UTC

Friday May 13th
22.30 Pop festival with 3 Spanish bands.

Saturday May 14th
17.00 Games for children – sack races, egg and spoon races, greasing pig and cucaña
23.00 Open-air disco

Sunday May 15th
08.00 Pilgrimage from the church in Rojales to “El Recorral” up on Quesada hill
10.00 Mass
11.00 Petanque and caliche competitions
12.00 Birds of prey flying show
13.00 Municipal school of dance performance
14.00 to 18.00 TKO radio provide the music
16.00 Band performance ‘Ya te vere si eso’
20.30 Pilgrimage returns to Rojales

From 09.00 to 21.00 there is a tourist bus that goes from outside of Mercadoa in Rojales and outside the Don Carlos bar in Quesada high street up to El Recorral.

Commented Benijofar Life in Benijofar 2011-05-08 11:04:50 UTC